What to say (and do) after a death
A friend’s father died a year ago. He told me the story over lunch at the pub, and I reached for a response. Some safe sentence to tell him I cared.
In the years of supporting my husband through his cancer, and now my two years as a widow, I’ve learned to be careful with this moment: there are so many WRONG things to say.
So I said the one safe sentence I’ve settled on:
HEATHER: “I’m so sorry for your loss.”
I patted myself on the back for mastering this death-grief thing.
“Ugh,” he said. “I hate it when people say that. What does that even mean?”
Well, shit. I thought I was an expert at all this. If even I get it wrong sometimes, is there one right thing to say?
The Year of Magical Thinking
When my husband, Brock, was sick, I read all the books on grief and mourning I could find. At one point I picked up Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking, a multi-award-winning book about the grieving process.
In the first part of the book, Didion surveys people about the responses they found helpful and unhelpful: are the cut flower bouquets thoughtful, or just a painful reminder of immortality and a chore to compost? Some said yes, some said no. I didn’t make it past the first few chapters: I was annoyed that her survey findings were all contradictory. I wanted concrete, useful advice as to how I could work through, and survive, my grief.
Then Brock got bed-bound sick, and then he died, and so many people reached out to us in such a variety of ways, all with loving intentions, and I had my big, two-part epiphany:
- Every illness and death and grief experience is different.
- People want and need different things.
(It appears Joan Didion was right.)
This is why I’ve always found “I’m sorry for your loss” to be a pleasant, loving, safe thing for people to say to me, while my friend had a negative reaction to those words. There is no single response that works for EVERYONE.
If someone you know is grieving (or dealing with a life crisis) and you want to show them you care, the number one best piece of advice I can offer is:
Customize your response
If you know the person well, you might know exactly what would help her, whether it’s meals or financial support or a hug.
One example of a customized, incredible gesture of love is the “Basket of Love” my friend Patti made for me when Brock was sick. It was a yellow container full of little items wrapped in yellow tissue paper, tied with yellow ribbons. (I love yellow. It makes me happy.) The little items included a yellow pencil crayon, yellow modelling clay, chocolate, trinkets from local stores, soap … Whenever I felt sad, I went to my basket and opened another little gift. The yellow plus the thoughtfulness of the tiny, surprise presents (and sometimes chocolate!) boosted me in those sad moments.
Over the year, I sometimes found a set of wrapped, “refill” items at my door to add to my basket. It’s been four years since Patti gave me that basket, and I still have some unopened gifts on-hand, to unwrap as needed.
If you don’t know your grieving person as well as Patti knew me, you can ask someone close to her what she (and her family) might need. Maybe it’s meals, maybe it’s financial help, maybe flower bouquets make her smile, or maybe she’s more of a potted plant kind of person.
If you feel comfortable just ASKING directly what she needs help with, that’s great, but she might not know herself. She might be too stricken to be able to respond properly. Asking one of her friends or family members is a nice workaround. Or: think of all the ways you are able to help, write a list, and give it to her so she can check the boxes.
Which brings us to:
Helpful responses vs. unhelpful responses
It’s our habit to respond in certain ways: we visit sick people, we drop off meals, we send flowers.
But sometimes people don’t want visitors, because visitors use up limited, precious energy and time, or because the person doesn’t want to be seen at their worst.
Maybe they’ve always been an introvert who likes their alone time: they haven’t magically transformed into a company-lover because of whatever they’re going through.
Sometimes meals aren’t eaten, maybe because of dietary restrictions, and get thrown out, and then the dishes have to be washed and returned.
Sometimes cut flowers litter the house with petals and pollen, or trigger allergies. Or they emphasize mortality and impermanence, and unsettle our blissful state of denial as we care for a dying loved one.
Projecting your own needs or desires onto the person you’re trying to help is interesting from a self-knowledge perspective, but it’s not always the most helpful response.
The most helpful response is one that is NEEDED and WANTED by the recipient. And the best way to identify these needs and wants is, as I’ve said, to ask someone close to the target family, or the person you want to help.
What can you give?
A gesture of love and support shouldn’t just be customized to the recipient: it should also be customized to you.
I was having a rough day emotionally one sunny day in 2015. It hit me all of a sudden when I was driving past our friends’ home. So I parked, rang the doorbell, and when John (the husband) answered I broke down.
John knew he was in difficult waters so he yelled upstairs to his wife: “Angie! We need you down here,” watching me the whole time, as if I were a wild animal at his door.
Even at the time, this made me laugh. John knew what he could give, and comforting a bawling woman at his front door was not his strength.
While John was not the guy to help with my temporary breakdown, he frequently visited my husband (who loved his visits and their conversations), and John’s landscaping company appeared every two weeks to mow our lawn for free. He wanted to help, and he gave what he could.

Help outside the box
Sometimes you can help in unexpected ways.
Yes, maybe your person needs financial help (especially if they’ve lost an income-earner, or paused their own work), maybe they could use meals or food, maybe they want visitors or flowers.
But if your strength is cleaning houses, or handyman work, or landscaping, those skills might be exactly what they need/want to make their lives easier at this time.
If their kid(s) knows and trusts you, you can offer childcare, or chauffeur them to school or their activities, so the kid’s life isn’t disrupted even more.

Helping can be as simple as sending a text: “I’m grocery shopping today. Send me a list of whatever you need and I’ll deliver it.” They’ll get cream for their coffee without having to face the public.
It’s the intention
For both the givers and the receivers, it should be the intention that counts. When someone drops off a meal of shepherd’s pie, and you’re vegetarian, it doesn’t matter: the point is, they wanted to help. It’s nice to know other people care.
Brock wasn’t, and I am not, spiritual in any way, but we still said yes when people asked for permission to pray for him. It was an emotional win-win.
The check-in
When someone dies, the gestures of support from the community fade away and eventually cease, although the family is still reeling from their loss. Grief can surface and cripple us months and years after the death.
You might want to check in on them, or send them a card, or leave another meal in a month or so, just to remind them that their community is still there for them. They might also have a better idea by then of what they need/want for support, and how you can help.
Maybe, by then, they’ll be ready to tell the story of what happened: they’ll have processed the death enough to be able to talk about it. You can say: “Would you like to talk to me about your husband? I can listen.” Listening quietly to their story, without judgement or interruption, is one of the best ways we can help grieving people. (Again, know yourself: you don’t have to offer this if listening and comforting sad people isn’t your super power.)
When does it end?
Two years later, I still get cards and messages from close friends and family on the anniversary of Brock’s death, his birthday, and when they’re reminded of Brock in some special way (e.g. elections). For me, these notes help keep him alive. It’s nice to know other people remember and love my husband, as I do.
Again, as I’ve learned, not everyone will feel like me. They might not want these reminders. It might be too painful. So use your best judgement, consider what your friend might most appreciate, and act with good intentions.
Even if you get it wrong, you’ve tried, and that’s what matters.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Have you found a helpful thing to say or do to friends going through a hard time? What have you found helpful or unhelpful when people try to help you? Please post a comment, share this post online or read more posts on this website.
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Heather – I enjoy your writings and your feelings on grief. I’m following Katie Jameson on Instagram. She’s from North Vancouver. She has recently begun to market “grieving pins”. I think they would be an excellent “gift” for someone recently bereaved.
My husband, Denny, taught Brock in high school. He often mentions him and how sad his passing was. He’s always said – “he was a good guy”.
Here is The link: https://www.katiejameson.ca/grief-pins
Thanks for the useful info and insight Heather.